joi, 15 aprilie 2010


Se intampla uneori ca cei din jurul nostru sa nu se priceapa la calculatoare, poate vi s-a intamplat si voua chiar intr-o biblioteca si atunci v-ati trezit zambind sau v-ati dat coate cu colegul. Sa vedem o astfel de situatie intre un IT-ist si un bibliotecar:

"I used to work at the IT Support Desk for a university. A librarian at one of our libraries was surfing the web one day and came across a site that said it was best viewed using the Internet Explorer browser. So she called me and said she needed a "browser" to view this site, and could we install a browser onto her system?

I told her that if she was viewing the site already, she was already using a browser, but, unsatisfied with that answer, she went over my head to the Directory of Libraries and said that we were being uncooperative about providing her with a browser."

Un comentariu:

  1. LOL e chiar de plans... dar nu m-am putut abtine sa nu rad:) mai ales ca am trecut recent printr-o situatie asemanatoare.

